
Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Farewell Mr Hopkins!

Kia Ora Bloggers,

Today was a sad day for us because it was Mr Hopkins' last day at Hay Park School. My class made some really beautiful cards to give to him and he had a surprise. Mr Hopkins is a humorous man who loves teaching and is very creative. Mr Hopkins you are a problem-solver with our chromebooks. If it weren't for you we wouldn't have been doing presentation or even cybersmart! I will all remember you by three things. 1: The coolest cybersmart teacher in the whole entire world!
2:  The computer man (which is how I knew you when I was young, but now I know you as the coolest person with devices on earth!)
and the last one is....


Mr Hopkins thank you for the hard work and effort you put into everything for Hay Park School. We really appreciate all of it. You are a person with some great talent and I will always remember you. You taught us in different way to make it really fun and enjoyable for all of us.  Sadly, we couldn't have you teach us on the last day you were here. Anyways, good luck for your new job and congratulations! Hay Park School is really proud of you and happy for you. We will enjoy seeing you leave (not because we want you to leave) because you will be doing something higher and better than this job! Well done! Hay Park School wishes you a bright future and a cyber-tastic day , everyday!

Ka Ki Te Ano, 

1 comment:

  1. Ata mārie Shreya,

    What can I say, I'm speechless. It has been a pleasure to work with you for the last two and a half years (yes, it really has been that long) and I'm really humbled by your post. It's amazing for me to see learners like you grow and embrace the visibility around their learning, sharing in a positive and CyberSmart way. I think we're building skills for the future!

    Wandering back into your school this morning has really made me miss some of you even more, but it's great to see that Gerhard is continuing on your journey with you. Wherever you go, whatever you do, you'll always be a star! Dr Seuss once wrote...

    "You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go..."

    And he could have been talking specifically about YOU!

    Thanks for being amazing.

    Dr Who... Oh wait, James ;-)
